Submission Guidelines

Paper Submission Instructions

Prospective authors are invited to submit their full paper, MS Word (.Doc) format. The paper should include

Title of the paper

  • Name
  • Affiliation
  • e-mail address for each author
  • 5 keywords of the paper

Follow the sample paper LINK OF SAMPLE PAPER

Articles submitted to the conference should meet all criteria and must not be under consideration for publication elsewhere. Manuscripts should follow the style of the Conference and are subject to both review and editing.

The authors are advised to submit their manuscripts for reviewing when their drafts are ready, instead of waiting till the submission deadline.

It is our target that the reviewing process for each submitted manuscript can be completed within one week from its submission. Then, the participants can have more time to prepare for their conference registration etc.

An acknowledgment email for the receipt of the submitted papers will be sent within three working days. If the authors have not received the acknowledgement emails or the result notification emails within the above specific periods, they can go to the contact page or send email to  .

Paper preparation

All abstract must be written in English. All the abstracts would be reviewed by experts and will be accepted as oral/poster and virtual presentations, but you can propose your selection for the type of your presentation (poster / oral / virtual).

The title should be followed by the name(s) of the author(s) with the name of the person presenting underlined, An asterisk (*) for corresponding Author, their affiliation (each affiliation in a separate line) and email address. Full text of the abstract/paper should follow the email address. The figure captions, table captions and references should be prepared.

Paper submission

Papers  should be submitted by online submission . Prior to preparing your abstract for submission, please read the paper preparation and submission guidelines above.